Intra-psychology and Inter-psychology

Before we know about intra-psychology and inter-psychology, we have to remember about Vygotsky's theory that related to collaborative learning.

In this article I will talk about:
  1. What is Intra-psychology?
  2. What is Inter-psyichology?
  3. What are different between Intra-psychology and Inter-psyichology?
  4. What is ZPD (Zone and Proximal Development)?

  • The idea of Vygotsky's theory is that a human needs help from the others to learning knowledge. In the process of the transfer information from one to others needs interaction, or we can called interaction as mediator. Furthermore, Vygotsky also said that 'every function in the child's cultural development appears twice; first on the social level and then on the individual level. According to Berge (1999), social level means that it happen between people or we can called it inter-psychology, beside it, individual level means that it happen on internal of individual. So that, activities which include to inter-psychology such as 'Question and Answer' between students or between teacher and students. Activities which include to intra-psychology such as summarizing, annotating, and other self study that done by student.

  • Zone and Proximal Development or ZPD is very famous in Vygotsky's theory. ZPD is similar to sequence that we done in learning about knowledge. I make an illustration to understand about ZPD.

So according to the explanation above, we can say that in the ZPD we doing two activities psychology learning which are intra-psyicology cativities and inter-psycology activities. 
  • In the next article I will write about Intra-BEFORE-Inter activities, Intra-AFTER-Inter activities, and the different of both.

Berge, Z. L. (1999). Interaction in Post-secondary Web-based Learning. Educational Technology, 39 (1), 5-11.
Hsu, G.-L., & Hwang, W.-Y. (2014). The Effect of Intrapsychology Learning Before and After Interpsychology Activities with a Web-based Sharing Mechanism. Educational Technology & Society, 17 (1), 231–247.
